
  mutt is showing messages in maildir that are unread but in cur/ as
"old", is there a way to make the messages (in general all unread
messages) always show as "new" instead? I'm not interested in the
distinction at all...

  I've just set up Dovecot imap on a maildir i'm also reading with mutt
locally, and Dovecot follows the maildir spec which says that MUA should
move mails from new/ to cur/ right away, and that is making mutt show
the messages as old instead of new. Note that mutt's $mark_old (which
I have disabled) doesn't affect this as it says only what mutt does when
*saving* messages.

  (N.B. the same thing is actually also happenning with mailboxes accessed
by Dovecot, but I haven't looked into exactly why in that case.)

  I'm open to suggestion about imap servers that don't do this and play
well with local mutt MUA too! (Even though I can't say Dovecot is doing
anything *wrong* per se.)

  I'm also thinking about just living with mutt's O/N distinction;
I can filter on ~U rather than ~N and tab works fine, but the only issue
(important to me) is that there is a <toggle-new> command, but not
<toggle-unread>, so hitting "N" on an O-mail will not mark it read,
unlike on N-mails.  (There's also <set-flag> and <clear-flag>, but not
<toggle-flag>.)  If I were to whip up a patch on this, what do you think
the best approach would be?


                                Petr Baudis
        Never!  Run before you walk! Fly before you crawl!
        Keep moving forward!  Because if we fail, I'd rather fail
        really hugely.  All or nothing!  -- Moist Von Lipwig

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