I used to use Mutt on Ubuntu from the repository and got it to work
except for smtp TLS, my ISP doesn't allow direct email, still doesn't I
get a reply mail saying so
I am now using
Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 64-bit
Mutt 1.5.23-3 which came installed as I saw in the package manager
I copied /etc/Muttrc to ~/.muttrc
and like before added
set realname="Dale"
set from="d...@dalekelly.org"
set smtp_url="smtp://d...@dalekelly.org@smtpout.secureserver.net:25"
set smtp_pass="password"
set pop_host="pop://d...@dalekelly.org@pop.secureserver.net:110"
set pop_pass="password"
I get the following messages
Connecting to smtpout.secureserver.net...
Could not connect to smtpout.secureserver.net (Interrupted system call).
pop works
I noticed ESMTP support declaration in the package manager description,
could there be a conflict?