El d�a Wednesday, July 13, 2016 a las 04:20:02AM -0700, David Champion escribi�:
> * On 13 Jul 2016, Matthias Apitz wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > Is there some function in mutt's source which validates e-mail addrs? > > Thanks > > Validates in what sense? > Sorry, I was only thinking in formal validation against RFC 822, ... > There are parse_address and (more broadly) rfc822_parse_adrlist, which > will reject or complete certain kinds of malformations based on RFC > (822, 2822, 5322, etc). But RFC 5322 et al. are the only things mutt > cares about, address-wise. Nothing in mutt tries to anticipate what > kind of junk ICANN is sunrising next month, or what ISO CC split from > another ISO CC last year, or whether a given RHS is a valid DNS name or > has an A/CNAME/MX record, etc. In short, mutt never makes any effort to > see that an address is deliverable; only that it conforms the address > format specification. Thanks matthias -- Matthias Apitz | /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign: E-mail: g...@unixarea.de | \ / - No HTML/RTF in E-mail WWW: http://www.unixarea.de/ | X - No proprietary attachments phone: +49-176-38902045 | / \ - Respect for open standards | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_Ribbon_Campaign