
You could use procmail. This will act on the e-mail before it is
delivered to an inbox. Depending on your needs the action can be to
store the e-mail, to delete it, to send an automatic reply, etc.

I can give you few examples of recipes you need to put in your

I do not see any reason you would want to accomplish that within mutt

Kind regards,

On 15-05-2016, at 10h 30'49", Chris Green wrote about "Can one do something to 
an E-Mail without even opening/seeing it in mutt?"
> As per the subject is it possible for mutt to do something to an
> E-Mail in its inbox without the user seeing/doing anything at all?
> E.g. is there some sort of hook that can, for example, reply to or
> delete an E-Mail from a specific address without any user interaction? 

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