I have just locally built mutt 1.6.1 on my xubuntu 16.04 system to use
instead of the 1.5.24 that xubuntu provides (because of the reverse
video on exit bug I reported).

It works OK but doesn't seem to use my .mailcap entries in the same
was as 1.5.24 did.  My .mailcap is:-

    text/html; /home/chris/bin/muttfox %s
    text/html; lynx -dump %s; copiousoutput; nametemplate=%s.html
    application/pdf;  /usr/bin/evince %s
    image/jpeg; ristretto %s %i ; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

Version 1.6.1 doesn't call /home/chris/bin/muttfox (a script which
handles getting the HTML mail to firefox), version 1.5.24 did.  So
what do I need to change to get 1.6.1 to work the way that 1.5.24 used
to?  With 1.5.24 the first line of .mailcap was used when you hit 'v'
in mutt.

Chris Green

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