On 06Apr2016 19:33, derek martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 09:38:43AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> if $1 is set use that, otherwise use "$@" (all arguments, individually quoted)
No, it says ``if $1 is set, use "$@", otherwise use nothing''. See below.
I see.  So I had it exactly backwards. :)

I often have to look these up too. I mostly use :- and := myself, aside from this special incantation.

Firstly, "$@" _is_ portable; it has been around as a very special
case for decades, since at least V7 UNIX.

For sure.  It was the ${keword+expression} syntax I was referring to.
I didn't remember coming across this syntax until I started using
HP-UX 10.0 with "the POSIX shell" so I assumed it was not portable,
but it seems that it is.

I've been using this incantation since the mid-80s, on systems older than that, so the basic kw+expr is plenty old. The newer pattern matching things are much younger, and IIRC only in bash and zsh and similar, not core Bourne shell.

Then again, maybe I did know that once--my
memory chips have become increasingly faulty with age. ;-)

Me too. I am further hampered by little "calendar" time sense; other people can say "oh this happened in 2001", I have no idea and have to reference wrt to specific events in my memory, hoping they have dates associated.

For historic reasons, "$@" evaluates to a single "" if there were no
arguments at all, introducing a spurious new empty argument.

Hmmm...  This is news to me, and my quick test does not bear it out:

Probably fixed in modern interactive shells. Note your test is testing your interactive shell, not /bin/sh (if they're different).

$ cat foo.sh
echo "$# command line args"

$ ./foo.sh "$@"
0 command line args
$ ./foo.sh ""
1 command line args


$ cat foo.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   printf("got %d command line args\n", argc - 1);
   return 0;
$ ./foo
got 0 command line args
$ ./foo "$@"
got 0 command line args
$ ./foo ""
got 1 command line args

Both script and C program are testing your interactive shell (bash? mine is usually zsh).

BTW, you might repeat the test with a bare $@ as well. May be informative. I believe it should work like "$@", versus $* which works like normal variables.

In any event, it appears that your paranoid version at the least does
no harm.  :)

True, which is why my fingers continue to know it:-)

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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