
That should work automatically.

If after =?UTF-8 there is ?Q then the non-ascii characters (and =) are
represented by their hexadecimal representation, for example ç is

If after =?UTF-8 there is ?B then all characters are encoded using an
algorithm that takes 6bits at the time. You can encode and decode this
with base64:

# echo "something" | base64
# c29tZXRoaW5nCg==

#echo "Z3VuZGk=" | base64 -d


On 14-03-2016, at 17h 30'55", Jon LaBadie wrote about "decoding UTF-8"
> I frequently find headers (mostly Subject, but also From/To)
> that I assume are some representation form for a UTF-8 encoded 
> string as they start with "=?UTF-8?" and end with "=?= ".
> For example:
>   To: =?UTF-8?B?Z3VuZGk=?= <user@domain>
> Is my assumption correct?  What is the representation called?
> Is there a tool to regain the original string?
> I believe my video system can display the larger
> character set.

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