On 16-02-2016, at 10h 16'45", Louis-David Mitterrand wrote about "dealing with 
"smart quotes" and other troublesome chars in mutt"
> Hi,
> How do you guys deal with characters that appear as ??? in mutt
> messages, often sent by Apple Mail users?
> For instance one of these chars is apparently the "smart quote"
> appearing as =E2=80=9D or =E2=80=99 when (e)diting the message.
> FWIW my locale is en_IE@euro
> Thanks,


I do not get e-mails sent by apple mail users, but why don't you move
to UTF-8? 

e2 80 99 or ’ is ’, e.g. U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
e2 80 9d or ” is ”, e.g. U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK

If you use an unicode aware terminal (for example uxterm instead of
xterm (to take care of fonts)) and then set your locale to en_IE.UTF-8
instead of en_IE.ISO8859-15, and tell also mutt about what locale are
you using, then you are set to see all the characters you receive... 

You should see three letters A on the line below:
      Α А A
but in fact one is Greek Alpha, one is Cyrillic A and one is Latin A...

If you keep your locale to en_IE.ISO8859-15 you limit yourself to see
only Latin1 + euro. All else is not handled correctly by the terminal.
Is not a mutt problem per se. 


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