On 16-02-2016, at 10h 16'45", Louis-David Mitterrand wrote about "dealing with "smart quotes" and other troublesome chars in mutt" > Hi, > > How do you guys deal with characters that appear as ??? in mutt > messages, often sent by Apple Mail users? > > For instance one of these chars is apparently the "smart quote" > appearing as =E2=80=9D or =E2=80=99 when (e)diting the message. > > FWIW my locale is en_IE@euro > > Thanks,
Hi, I do not get e-mails sent by apple mail users, but why don't you move to UTF-8? e2 80 99 or ’ is ’, e.g. U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK e2 80 9d or ” is ”, e.g. U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK etc. If you use an unicode aware terminal (for example uxterm instead of xterm (to take care of fonts)) and then set your locale to en_IE.UTF-8 instead of en_IE.ISO8859-15, and tell also mutt about what locale are you using, then you are set to see all the characters you receive... You should see three letters A on the line below: Α А A but in fact one is Greek Alpha, one is Cyrillic A and one is Latin A... If you keep your locale to en_IE.ISO8859-15 you limit yourself to see only Latin1 + euro. All else is not handled correctly by the terminal. Is not a mutt problem per se. Ionel