
I've been using a pre-compiled copy of mutt .
I use MH as my underlying email system.  My .muttrc includes these
two lines..

set folder=/home/hymie/Mail/inbox
set mbox=/home/hymie/Mail/inbox of which allowed me to view my new incoming email, and then
when I exit mutt, I would get asked...
Move read messages to /home/hymie/Mail/inbox? ([no]/yes):
...and I would answer "yes" and the email would be dropped in my
"inbox" folder in MH format.

I just upgraded to a compiled-by-me version of 1.5.24, and this
no longer happens.  I read my new incoming email, and when I
exit, mutt just exits and leaves my email in the incoming mail spool.

So I assume I'm missing either a new entry in .muttrc or a compile
option.  I found this in the source code mx.c ine 835-ish

    if (isSpool && *mbox)
      mutt_expand_path (mbox, sizeof (mbox));
      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Move read messages to %s?"), mbox);
      if ((move_messages = query_quadoption (OPT_MOVE, buf)) == -1)
        ctx->closing = 0;
        return (-1);

but I don't know why this isn't happening.

Any help would be appreciated.


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