El día Wednesday, November 25, 2015 a las 12:21:15PM -0800, fe...@crowfix.com 

> Occasionally I get emails with multi megabyte attachments which I don't need 
> to see; an old email whose attachments have already been saved, attachments I 
> know I don't need to see, etc.
> Is there some configuration setting which prevents automatically loading 
> attachments when reading an email, deferring it to the 'v' view-attachments 
> key (probably not the real name)?

Btw: I'm still waiting for the day/mail when some stupid soul can attach
an ISO file of a CD or DVD to a mail and it passes the MTA chain :-)

I have the same problem too, when reading mails with mutt via IMAP; mutt
can display fine the overview listing of all mails, but when you go to read a
mail in question, it downloads the complete mail; I do not say, that
it is mutt' fault, maybe there is no other option for mutt than reading
the complete mail before displaying the text parts;


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, 🌐 http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ 

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