On Wed, Oct 07, 2015 at 15:14:39 -0400, Xu Wang wrote:
> It seems the default behavior of mutt when I press 's' for save is to
> put the email address as the folder I want to save to. But I would
> prefer to not have this behavior. I have looked for muttrc variables
> but I only find the following:
> save-hook
> save-name
> force-name
> They do not seem to be those that I search for?
> How can I change this behavior? I would prefer to just have a simple
> '=' when I press 's'.

Either save-name or force-name would make your default save folder match
the recipient's name.

If you have no save-hook in effect and save-name and force-name are both
turned off, then then default for the "s" command should be the value of
the $record variable.


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