On Sep 06 15:19 +0200, Steve Schmerler wrote:
> Hello all
> I'm using 
>     folder-hook . "push <collapse-all>"
> to collapse threads. 
> Recently, I started using imapfilter since one of the imap servers to
> which I'm connecting has no sieve support.
> The problem is now that when imapfilter alters the mailbox that I am
> currently viewing (move mail, ...), then mutt will uncollapse all
> threads. Is there a way to collapse them automatically after a mailbox
> update? Thanks for any hints!

Can someone please confirm if this mail made it to the list? At least
I see it in the archives [1]. Thanks.

[1] http://marc.info/?l=mutt-users&m=144157083417925&w=2


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