On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 10:49:40PM +0200, miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr wrote:
> I have just been trying to send network http location address in a
> message to friends.  And I put it under my signature, like I'll put
> exactly the same address under the signature of this email. Pls. scroll
> to the bottom of this mail now to understand what I mean. See the long
> link address in bottom? OK.
> However, when I opened the mail I send to friends, to see
> if all the links, among which was that address, were correct, I found
> that I couldn't open that link address, with Ctrl-B and selecting its
> number,
> I did paste it, just like below, from the address bar of a live page,
> but with Ctrl-B, in among the choices of the links that I sent, this
> link looked something like:
>       5 
> http://croatiafidelis.hr/Miroslav_Rovis_politicki_progon/sud/Zivicnjak_UVje=
> (that was pasting it). In other words, it was incomplete, acnd couldn't
> possible be opened as meant.
> I also tried shorting it, as the dir is browsable, to:
> http://croatiafidelis.hr/Miroslav_Rovis_politicki_progon/sud/Zivicnjak_UVjecniSpomen/
> but to no avail. Same crippled address. What could it be?
I'm not sure if this will be relevant (I keep my mailboxes on my
server and use ssh, then paste if I want to open a URL on the
desktop), but I used to have problems with URLs which got split onto
multiple lines, with '+' inserted at the break, so not exactly the
same as your problem.

My problem was fixed by adding the following to ~/.muttrc :
set markers=no

(found at http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html#markers - mine
is 1.5.23 with the "upstream_fixes" patch used in BLFS)

This one goes up to eleven!

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