Since I switched to mutt full time a couple of months ago, there were
times when I missed one feature or another from other agents, but mostly
I learned to live with the mutt way.

However, this one keeps getting on my frail nerves.  There seems to be
no way in vanilla mutt to sort the index view such that the latest
message appears last, when threading is on.  So when I open a folder
with a long active thread, I keep landing in the middle of old inactive

A minimal example would be:

  1   2015-07-01 Mr Foo       Boring subject
  2   2015-07-02 Miss Bar     Exciting subject
N 3   2015-07-13 Mr Foo       |-> Re: Exciting subject
  4   2015-07-03 Mr Foobar    Another boring subject

I want:

  1   2015-07-01 Mr Foo       Boring subject
  2   2015-07-03 Mr Foobar    Another boring subject
  3   2015-07-02 Miss Bar     Exciting subject
N 4   2015-07-13 Mr Foo       |-> Re: Exciting subject

Perhaps there is a patch providing this?  It must have been requested
before :)

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