When I start the file browser view explicitly, either by hitting the y key or by passing -y on the shell command line, it comes up in the "mailboxes only" submode, i.e. things like my header cache directory are hidden. (They can be shown by activating the toggle-mailboxes function, bound to Tab by default). But when I start by hitting c and then ?, so as to show the browser merely as a temporary menu of mailboxes to switch to, it comes up with all files visible and the toggle key hides the non-mailboxes.
I find this a very annoying inconsistency. Is there some setting I can turn on to make it behave the same in both situations? I'd prefer the non-mailboxes always hidden by default, but even always shown would be better than the current way. Thanks for any insight. -- Please *no* private copies of mailing list or newsgroup messages. Rule 420: All persons more than eight miles high to leave the court.