On Thu, Jan 01, 2015 at 09:16:43AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 16Dec2014 15:23, Patrick asked me to provide a recipe for unmangling the
> "From:" headers of posts to list like sed-us...@yahoogroups.com which
> rewrite the "From:" headers of their posts to honour the rules of DMARC
> authentication.
> .... 
>  From: "Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au [sed-users]" 
> <sed-us...@yahoogroups.com>
> I now automatically reverse that on receipt.
> .... the sed script to do the same thing on suitable messages:
>  https://bitbucket.org/cameron_simpson/css/src/tip/bin/fix-dkim-from

Thanks so much.   This looks really, really cool. I cannot take the time to do 
any testing now, but I want to comment that I think there may be a way to 
generalize your great work to all servers, with one sed script and one 
procmailrc recipe.  I may be wrong, but I think it is worth looking at the fact 
(at least it appears this way to me) that all lists using DKIM signatures tend 
to say that they have done that in their headers.

It may also depend on the mail server itself, what I see in some messages at 
gmail is:
X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;

But in others, from a different mailing list server, the line just starts with 


Yahoo groups is one place, but the same mangling happens with many other 
mailing list servers.
> Finally, the matching procmailrc recipe (untested) to use in your own
> procmail recipes:
>  :0whf
>  * from:.*<sed-us...@yahoogroups.com>
>  | fix-dkim-from

I see you said the above is untested, but I am thinking: Why can't the above be 
as follows, so all yahoogroups lists would qualify for the recipe?

* from:.*<.*@yahoogroups.com>
| fix-dkim-from


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