On Dec 22, 2014 at 12:12 PM -0700, Bob Holtzman wrote:
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 05:06:26PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnend...@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> [12-21-14 16:36]:
Or w/o making a macro,
  switch to the folder
  T.      to select all
  ;N      to toggle the READ flag

On my machine T. selects all messages and ;N deletes the thread that
happens to be highlited.

Tag your messages however you want. I usually use the 'tag-pattern' command, but you could also tag them manually.

A lot depends on how your key bindings are set up. I'd toggle help while in the index and search for the following commands and see what their bindings are.

I think the commands you want to run (and others are suggesting) are:

'tag-pattern' - this will tag any messages that match the pattern. I have this bound to 'T'.

'tag-prefix' - this will run the next entered command on all the tagged messages. I have this bound to ';'.

'clear-flag' - This will clear whatever flag is entered next. In this case you want to clear 'N' for new. I have this bound to 'W'. So to clear the new flag, I would enter 'WN'. I personally like the clear-flag command more than the toggle-new command for bulk message manipulation because the toggle-new will not only mark new messages as read, but read messages as new.

String this together and I get 'T<pattern><enter>;WN'. This will set all the messages matching <pattern> to read. If you already have messages tagged, ';WN' will suffice. That is again assuming that your key bindings are the same as mine, which is probably unlikely.

Hope this helps.


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