Hi Tom,
Reading the output of "ldd $(which mutt)" executed on your machine, I can not see nothing wrong. Relevant lines: > > libgnutls.so.26 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnutls.so.26 > libsasl2.so.2 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libsasl2.so.2 show us that: -libSASL is accesible, -your mutt uses gnuTLS, and not OpenSSL I don't know if using gnuTLS could be a source of problems, maybe other readers of these list can comment. > I can get the hash, > but when trying to assemble the commands for the openssl tests, I can't > get everything set up using speech output and/or braille manipulating > cuts > and pastes > before the openssl times out > Is it relevant that I can read mail with ssl correctly? Ok, I will rephrase my former mail (I am not an english native speaker, so excuse if some part of my emails are not clear). After reading your mails, I understand you have problems accessing SMTP servers of fastmail.fm. But, you can use webmail interface of fastmail.fm (web browser using port 80 or port 443) without problems. With openssl test, you can check if conections to port 465 or port 587 (SMTP ports) of fastmail are blocked by your ISP: -if openssl test is successfull, you can asure the network path between your machine and fastmail servers is OK -if openssl test give your errors, the problem is in your network, not in mutt configuration Some evil ISPs block all ports, with the exception of HTTP/s ports (80 and 443). So, openssl is only a quick test to discard errors in your network. Of course, if you use other tools (msmtp or similar, Thunderbird ever) that make connections to ports 465 or 587 of fastmail, you don't have an evil ISP, and your network is good. > Don't understand what you mean by "fastmail control panel?" don't have > such I know of. Sorry, I don't know internal configuration of fastmail accounts. With "fastmail control panel" I wanted to define some place in your account, after you have logged with a web browser, when you maybe can enable/disable the use of SMTP service for your account. In Gmail control panel, you can enable/disable the access to your emails by IMAP and POP protocols changing the state of a buttom: if you configure it to "disabled" state, you can not use mutt/Thunderbird/whatever to read your mails, you can only use webmail access. Regards -- Javi