On 19.11.14 15:15, Dale wrote:
> set editor="vim +':set textwidth=0' +':set wrapmargin=0' +':set wrap'"
> seems to wraps when I type or copy/paste into vim

If you have wrap enabled in vim, but do not want it active while typing
or pasting, then one easy way to "escape" those actions is to:

:set paste

That also negates autoindent (if otherwise active), avoiding staircase
text on pasting text with any indenting. To make enable/disable of
the paste mode a single keystroke, I have in .vimrc:

set pastetoggle=<F12>   # Press F12 for On, press again for Off.

It is then useful to also have:

set showmode

so you can see in the status line whether you've forgotten to turn it
off when not needed.

The following is an alternative method, if you do not like the mode toggle:

" Paste without needing pastetoggle to avoid staircase text, due to ai always 
" Works with "+y} in another vim instance. Also avoids wrapping.
nnoremap <A-p> "+p
inoremap <A-p> ^["+p^Mi

The above text was pasted from text highlighted in another xterm, i.e.
it reads from the X clipboard. I have just tested that it also copies a
very long line without wrapping, despite wrapping being set for other

> but when I read the message, Mutt has a plus sign in front of each wrapped 
> line

Yes, that default mutt behaviour is a pain. The following in .muttrc has
worked for me for a long time now:

set smart_wrap                      # Wrap
set wrapmargin=10                   # long lines.
unset markers                       # No '+' line continuation crap.

> I will check the docs for line/word wrapping further
> but if any one can help me keep what I got and just get rid of the
> plus sign I would appreciate it

Hopefully the above eliminates the problems for you, as they have done
for me.


I have long felt that most computers today do not use electricity. 
They instead seem to be powered by the "pumping" motion of the mouse!
  - William Shotts, Jr. on http://linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.ph

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