On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 23:59:47 -0500, DaleKelly wrote:
> >* DaleKelly <d...@dalekelly.org> [11-08-14 21:35]:
> >>I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
> >>mutt 1.5.21-6.4ubuntu2 is the version in the repository
> here is my error
>  echo "Test" | /usr/bin/mutt -s Hello d...@dalekelly.org
> Error in /etc/Muttrc, line 145: smtp_user: unknown variable
> source: errors in /etc/Muttrc
> SMTP session failed: 530 authentication required
> Could not send the message.

The Ubuntu package includes the manual that goes with that particular
version of Mutt; you can read it with
  $ zless /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz
, or by hitting F1 from within Mutt.

I looked in that manual on a 14.04 LTS system and found that it does not
mention "smtp_user" anywhere.  However, a search of the document for
"smtp_url" and "URL Syntax" turn up a few sections of the manual that
explain how to specify the username as part of the SMTP URL string.


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