On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 05:36:40PM +0200, Matthias Apitz wrote: > > Hello, > > I'm running mutt-1.5.23 in a terminal rxvt-unicode (ouR XVT, unicode) for > better UTF-8 support. The screen in the URL shows the same (read-only) > mailbox, one in a xterm and the one in forground in uRxvt, both with the > same error message about mailbox is read-only after I pressed 'd' (just > to show some error message, it is the same with all messages). > > http://www.unixarea.de/mutt.jpeg > > Why in uRxvt it is presented with black on black, not very read-able :-) ? > > Thx > > matthias
Unlike the other replies, I'm going to assume this is an rxvt-unicode setup issue. Maybe I'm wrong, and if so, the previous replies will have already pointed you to a solution. For me, after making a mailbox read-only, I can get that message - it appears in red on the black background. If I'm right, this is what I use (in my case, in ~/.Xresources) for a black background with all TTF/OTF fonts : ! settings for urxvt URxvt.background: Black URxvt.foreground: White URxvt.geometry: 100x40 ! not all my old systems have Liberation ! without any specific CJK font, some glyphs are found but ! others are not URxvt.font: xft:Liberation Mono:size=12:autohint=true, \ xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12::autohint=true, \ xft:FreeMono:size=13:autohint=true, \ xft:AR PL UKai CN:pixelsize=24:autohint=false, \ URxvt.title: urxvt ! tone down bright blue by mixing some green into it URxvt.color12: #0080FF That last one is because I find bright blue on black unreadable, probably something to do with my eyesight. HTH ĸen -- Nanny Ogg usually went to bed early. After all, she was an old lady. Sometimes she went to bed as early as 6 a.m.