++ 20/05/14 08:34 +1000 - Cameron Simpson:
>>[1] http://dev.mutt.org/trac/wiki/UseCases/SearchingMail
>My approach to this is twofold.

That's an interesting approach. However, it still requires an external 
terminal (or screen session) to get this working, right? I was looking 
for something even better: having the results presented in the same 

>I'd think you could adapt this approach to your own mail indexer.

Sure, sure, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Second best, 
for now. 

Rejo Zenger
E r...@zenger.nl | P +31(0)639642738 | W https://rejo.zenger.nl  
T @rejozenger | J r...@zenger.nl
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