Jeffery Small wrote:

> Is there any convenient way to craft an email message using mutt that
> embeds a jpeg image within the body of the message for those reading
> with an HTML mail program, while still attaching it for others who use a
> text-based reader like mutt?
> I assume that this would require somehow formatting a message with text and
> HTML parts, but I'm unclear how to formally do this within mutt when using
> the vim editor.
> Thanks for any pointers you can offer.
> --
> Jeff

hi jeff,

you don't need to resort to html parts. you just need to make sure
that the content disposition of the image attachment is "inline"
rather than "attachment". to do this, after attaching the image
file, while viewing the list of parts before sending the message,
use the arrow keys if necessary to navigate to the image attachment
and press Ctrl-D which toggles the disposition between inline and
attachment. each time you press Ctrl-D, the first character on the
left hand side toggle between "A" and "I" to indicate the disposition.


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