On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 11:05:16AM -0500, Dale Raby wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> If it's sensitive
> > enough to be encrypted outgoing, it's sensitive enough to be
> > encrypted on disk... even if you haven't actually sent it yet.
> > 
> Well, its easy enough to encrypt the whole disk with modern OS's, so

Ya, except in my original email I said:

> have to postpone it. In the meantime offlineimap runs and syncs
> you mailboxes, and thus your mail which is to be sent encrypted
> ends up in (say) Gmail's remote folder -- UNencrypted.

Don't get my wrong: I actually have encrypted my hard drives, and I
actually don't have offlineimap running in a background cronjob (it
runs before mutt, in a wrapper script I use to start mutt).

My problem is thus that the message ends up unencrypted in google's
servers. But Derek Martin's comment is relevant: mutt should not
*assume* that the user's disk is encrypted; otherwise why bother storing
even the original messages encrypted?? Indexing and searching them,
for one, would be easier...

This wasn't exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote the
original email, but now that I have, does seems to justify a bug
report (or feature request, depending on your point of view...).


> if the message is on your machine it could be made pretty secure with
> no real extra effort beyond setting it up initially for an encrypted
> disk.  Then they would have to deal with physical security to get the
> message, i.e.: disarm the operator and hold a gun to his head to get
> the pass phrase.  As only an idiot would actually give the correct
> pass phrase (because such an assailant would not want any inconvenient
> loose ends left alive after the data theft), it would be pretty darn
> secure.
> I dunno though, why would you want to store a sensitive draft any
> longer than you need to?  Encrypted messages should be as concise as
> possible, so if you get interrupted during composition, would it not
> be better to delete the draft and start it over after you have dealt
> with the KGB or whatever?
> - -- 
> Dale A. Raby
> Buy My Book: 777 Bon Mots for Gunslingers and Other Real Men
> Available at Amazon, Google Books, Barnes & Noble, Book Tango, and
> other online book stores.
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> =LVop

Óscar Pereira  |  https://erroneousthoughts.org
Rules of Optimisation:
Rule 1: Don't do it.
Rule 2 (for experts only): Don't do it yet.
                  -- M.A. Jackson

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