=- John Niendorf wrote on Wed 26.Jun'13 at 12:47:03 +0900 -=

> This is only my point of view.

To everyone his own. ;)

> 1. RTFM is rude. It is usually written by people who seem to feel
> the need to show that they know more than someone else.

Somebody hasn't done his homework and wants somebody
else to do it, it's just a short for: do your part.
Especially when all I could do was copy&paste, ... why should I?

If people just don't know where, give them pointers.

> 2. News: It isn't a burden to hit the delete or simply ignore a post.

One single case is not the problem, but what it turns into.
The burden comes from excess as described in previous eMail from me.

> A good teacher never says "Read the Fing book, kid."

Hmm, a) sometimes it helps to read, or can we save us the time of
providing docs? If they are not made for the users, for who else?
 b) I didn't know I was dealing with kids. ;)

> 3. The idea of having a seperate moderated list for basic
> questions vesus advanced questions strikes me as a huge confusing
> waste of time. The same people who get so upset that they have to
> reply RTFM will get upset and whine about questions being posted
> to the wrong list.

That's what the moderators are for: filter better than the OP,
i.e. it's not free-for-all.
One-shot OPs wouldn't learn from mistakes, moderators should.
Actually they probably wouldn't do mistakes because they forward only
what they couldn't answer directly from docs-look-up, i.e. what the
OP could have done.

> If you don't want to answer something, don't answer it. Replying
> RTFM does nothing except make you look like a jerk.

Some requests likewise. I don't say all, so I don't have an
rtfm-auto-responder. ;)

These days I'm late on replying, so if somebody provides the asked
for service, then I save my "rtfm" or even save it altogether
because it's too late to connect. ;)

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.

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