I use alt-q.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 08:35:25AM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I am having a mental block, and cannot remember how to
> wrap text in Emacs while composing an email. Specifically,
> I need help remembering what key, or keys, should be
> pressed after selecting a region of text to get that 
> region reflowed according to the current settings.
> I am using Debian Wheezy. I am using Mutt and Emacs as
> installed by the Debian installer. Or maybe I have also
> forgotten some special configuring that I had to do to
> get this reflow working.
> I really don't need to be told RTFM. I am 80 yrs old. 
> I forget things. 
> Please help
> -- 
> Paul E Condon           
> pecon...@mesanetworks.net


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