On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 10:29:49AM -0600, Nicolas Bock wrote:
I use mutt with imap.gmail.com. When I delete a message, I move it to
+[Gmail]/Trash which seems to confuse mutt. When everything works fine, all I
get is "the mailbox was modified externally", and the message simply
disappears. Sometimes however, mutt tells me "no visible message" and I have
to change folders to be able to see anything in my INBOX again. Other times
mutt segfaults.

Which version of Mutt are you using? If you could provide a gdb backtrace the next time the crash happens that would be useful.

Also, if you have compiled Mutt yourself with debugging enabled, you can run "mutt -d 5" and in ~/.muttdebug0 the IMAP conversation will be recorded, which would be useful in figuring out what is happening.

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