I have the following in my muttrc for a while now. I didn't like the "Old
messages" behaviour so....

    #Don't mark unread messages but seen as old
    set mark_old=no
    set mail_check_recent=no

    bind index,pager <TAB> next-unread-mailbox

this will take you to the next unread mailbox with tab. Not sure if
there is any binding by default


On Sun, Apr 07, 2013 at 08:45:14PM +0200, Alexander Huemer wrote:
> Hi,
> I use mutt 1.5.21 with (among others) the sidebar patch.
> Now I am in a folder, let's sag it's name is 'mutt-users'.
> In this folder there are new emails (maked with 'N').
> Then I hit the kit that is bound to 'next-unread-mailbox' and do some 
> stuff there.
> All other folders I have don't contain unread emails.
> Now I hit my 'next-unread-mailbox' key again and get 'No mailboxes have 
> new mail' and I am not warped back to 'mutt-users'.
> Those emails are now marked 'O', note that they are still unread.
> Obviously 'next-unread-mailbox' does not mean what I think.
> The help text says 'open next mailbox with new mail', somehow strange.
> The error message complains that there are no 'new' mails anywhere.  
> 'unread' vs. 'new'. I think the phrasings to not match here.
> What I would like to achieve is to get a key binding that beams me to 
> the next folder that contains emails which _I_ have not yet read, i.e.  
> marked 'N' or 'O'. I did not find anything in the docs or online.
> Any pointers appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> -Alexander Huemer

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