Incoming from Darfeuille.Pierre:
> I use  :SCO open server 5.0.7
> I would like to find a mutt with option smtp compiled version

Where have you looked?  Try and plug
in "sco mutt mua" (without the quotes).

I don't know if it works or is possible (I only know SCO by
reputation), but others appear to have talked about it.  Bon chance.

FYI, my mutt (1.5.21 on Debian testing/wheezy x86_64) came with SMTP
compiled in.  Alternatively, are you sure you need that feature?  I
incorrectly assumed recently that I did.  YMMV.  Check your premises.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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  • mutt Darfeuille.Pierre
    • Re: mutt s. keeling

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