
I want to send out an e-mail with an inline JPEG attachments...

I set (based on some hint) in my .muttrc

set attach_format="%u%D%I %t%4n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] "

which seems to be the default in any case if I look into muttrc(5)
and I use from the cmd line:

$ mutt -s "mail test" -a file.jpg test.html -- g...@unixarea.de < test.txt

But the Content-Disposition remains "attachment".

Normaly I'm against such stuff (see my signature) but I have a special
need for investigating something based on the resulting mail :-)

Any ideas?

Sent from my FreeBSD netbook

Matthias Apitz               |  - No system with backdoors like Apple/Android
E-mail: g...@unixarea.de     |  - No HTML/RTF in E-mail
WWW: http://www.unixarea.de/ |  - No proprietary attachments
phone: +49-170-4527211       |  - Respect for open standards

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