On 2013–01–11 Michael Elkins wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 09:12:42AM +0100, Marco wrote:
> > macro index ,,                                                          \
> >   '<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter>                                 \
> >   <shell-escape>vim ~/.mutt/muttrc ~/.mailfilter ~/.mutt/mailcap<enter> \
> >   <enter-command>source ~/.mutt/muttrc<enter>'                          \
> >   'edit configuration files'
> The problem is all the extra spaces you included in the macro
> string.

I would never have thought of this! Still, I don't understand why it
only works with a non-empty mailbox. Either spaces are allowed and
it should work, or spaces are an error and mutt should yell at me.

Is this behaviour documented? Is there a better way to split the
command over several lines? IMO it makes it much easier to read.

> Try something like this instead:
> macro index ,, \
>    '<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>vim ~/.mutt/muttrc 
> ~/.mailfilter ~/.mutt/mailcap<enter><enter-command>source 
> ~/.mutt/muttrc<enter>' \
>    'edit configuration files'

This works regardless or mail present or not. Thanks for looking into that.


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