I have an occasional but somewhat annoying problem. I made a program to edit X-Labels to somewhat emulate the behavior of gmail. When using my mail account remotely I use IMAP to access a dovecot server. Everything works fine, but occasionally, the network fails and the connection is broken before I sync the mailbox. When I open the mailbox again, there are two versions of each edited message: the original that had been marked for deletion but had not been deleted and had lost the mark, and the same message but with the X-Label in place. Currently I order my mailbox by threads, and when I find a message that is x-labeled and marked as duplicate, I know that I can (manually) delete its predecessor. Is there some mutt expression that would allow me to select all those messages automatically? The expression ~= doesn't work, as it correspond to the successors, i.e., the messages that have been labelled and that I want to keep.
Best regards, Luis -- o W. Luis Mochán, | tel:(52)(777)329-1734 /<(*) Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM | fax:(52)(777)317-5388 `>/ /\ Apdo. Postal 48-3, 62251 | (*)/\/ \ Cuernavaca, Morelos, México | moc...@fis.unam.mx /\_/\__/ O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org