On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 07:13:01PM -0500, Darksair wrote:
Possibly a stupid question, but I have a macro to remove all “O” marks

 macro index "\Co" "<tag-pattern>~O<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>O" \
 "Mark all old as read"

(The line is not wrapped in the actual .muttrc.)  Mutt recognizes this
definition, and displays this macro in the help screen:

 ^O   M <tag-pattern>~O<enter><ta...    Mark all old as read

But when I press ^o, nothing happens?  I’m using Mutt 1.5.21 on a Mac.

That macro works when I try it.  I can suggest a couple of things:

1) Try ":exec what-key" and press ^O to verify that Mutt is able to receive the control-O keypress, and that your terminal isn't somehow intercepting it.

2) Try breaking down the macro into pieces to see which part is failing. For example, maybe just run the step to tag the Old messages and verify that it works. Then add the next part.

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