On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 09:15:27AM +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 23Nov2012 10:42, John Long <codeb...@inbox.lv> wrote:
> | On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:40:33PM +0100, Richard wrote:
> | > On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 06:42:27PM +0000, John Long wrote:
> | > > My mutt on Linux has been locking up lately. I didn't compile it with 
> debug
> | > > support. Is there any way to figure out why this is happening? I 
> sometimes
> | > > lock up in the middle of composing a long email or when mutt has been 
> open
> | > > for awhile. This didn't happen until this week and I suspect my email
> | > > provider is messing up but I don't know how to check it. Once in awhile 
> mutt
> | > > becomes non-responsive and there's nothing I can do but kill it or 
> close the
> | > > terminal window. It doesn't respond to any keypresses.
> | > 
> | > first thing to try is "strace -p pid-mutt" from a different terminal.
> | 
> | Thanks, that fixed it! Just like when you take your car to the shop, it
> | never exhibits the problem...I started strace this morning and the damn
> | thing's been running fine for hours already!
> Some things are timing dependent, and strace does affect things;

I realized there might be a Heisenberg deal going on here but it seems odd
since Mutt has been working for a few months on this box with zero issues.

> best to _not_ strace, wait for failure, _then_ strace.
> You can also do more trageted stracing with the -e option, eg:
>   strace -e trace=file -p mutt-pid 
> If mutt has gone CPU bound it won't say anything, but if a system call
> is hanging or mutt is spinning on one (I've seen Linux futexes do this
> frequently, outstandingly annoying) it should show something. Hopefully
> a call using a file path or file descriptor. If the latter,
>   lsof -p pid-mutt
> should show you what that file descriptor is associated with.
> OTOH, if mutt is CPU bound and doing no system calls, gdb for a stace
> backtrace may be illuminating.

Thanks! I'll see what I can see.


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