[ Peter Davis Wrote On Fri 23.Nov'12 at 14:27:23 GMT ]

> This will be my last comment on the subject, since straying off
> topic is, I think, a worse transgression than top posting or using
> long lines. I apologize for prolonging this. I'll try to be as
> explicit as I can, to clarify my views on this.
> The prevalent thinking in the software organizations I've been a
> part of is that products, including software, should be designed for
> the way users think and behave, instead of the other way around.
> There has been a surge of research on cognitive psychology,
> "engineering psychology", human factors and related fields. The goal
> is not mind-reading, but close. It is understanding how human
> cognition works, and how we can design tools that users will be able
> to control effectively. It addresses such questions as "How can we
> direct users' attention to the most important information in a busy
> display?" or "How can we limit the cognitive load a task places on
> the user, so as not to impair his/her performance?" It's not
> possible to predict every possible mistake, but it is possible to
> determine what conditions lead to mistakes.
> Simply put, the approach is to treat the users' mental and physical
> capabilities as a set of design constraints that must be imposed on
> any product. This field has a long way to go, but has already
> accomplished much. Makers of cell phones, tablets, cars, aircraft,
> air traffic control systems, medical devices, etc. all pay very
> close attention to this field.
> But the fact that you refer to "end user's laziness and/or
> stupidity" suggests that you have no acquaintance with this approach
> to design.
> To bring this back to the topic, mutt is one of several MTAs I have
> used. I currently have three separate mail archives (not including
> backups) and use mutt, MH, Thunderbird, GMail and other WebMail
> interfaces, and occasional others. Each of the clients has certain
> advantages and certain drawbacks. I like the fact that I can quickly
> go through a large volume of mail with mutt, using just single
> keystrokes for the most part, and the fact that I can easily pipe
> messages to perl scripts I've written for various routine tasks.
> However, I also recognize that mutt is, to a large extent, obsolete.
> Of course it still appeals to those who cling to the text/plain,
> 72-characters-per-line limit model from the 1970's, but that
> audience is a smaller and smaller percentage of the email-using
> population. I don't have any data, but given the prevalence of
> email, I suspect that mutt users make up a minuscule portion of
> that.
> Nothing wrong with that. Mutt is a great tool for what it does. But
> to condemn the vast majority of email users, those who don't follow
> the line length or bottom-posting conventions we've discussed, for
> failing to comply with 40 year old strictures advocated by an
> extremely small segment seems to me counter-productive.
> -pd

I couldn't agree more. Well put Peter.

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