El día Tuesday, November 20, 2012 a las 10:57:03PM -0600, Linda escribió:

> I am dialing in to an ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine that has mutt 
> with hyperterminal on windows 7. When it displays the index 
> some of the subjects are garbage characters instead of the 
> subject. I tried set charset=UTF8 and set charset=ISO-8859-1 
> but neither solves the problem. Does anyone have a 
> suggestion on how to get this to work?
>                   Thanks
>                    Linda

Most likely the charset of your terminal does not match the NLS
environment (LANG) which you have after login into the Ubuntu. I do not
know hyperterminal, i.e. if you can control this in hyperterminal; if
not, use PuTTY as a terminal.



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