On 2012-11-20, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Original text is fine unwrapped, but should not be sent that way.  You
> should not impose on the reciever but sent mat'l in a manner that would be
> presented as one *should* expect.

Recipients should not impose on composers.  Otherwise Larry would
demand that Alice use 40 characters for his smartphone, and Bob would
demand 72 characters for his old PET computer, and Eddy would demand
that Alice break at 132 characters for his extra wide dual-headed LCD.

> When receiving a message that has several quoting levels, the wrapping can
> present some very short lines as the *line* is wrapped, the paragraph is
> not reformatted.

This is another case of letting a deficient tool impose on users of
quality tools.  A quality tool would unwrap all the quoted text and
preserve the quote prefix level, so as not to impose a particular
width on the reader (who may be using a smart phone).  And that can be
done without destroying a peom, or source code.

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