/ Tony's unattended mail wrote on Sat 10.Nov'12 at 22:37:04 +0000 / > > However, I find dovecot deliver (which uses the sieve language > > for filtering) to be much more readable/writable than procmail. > > Sieve does not include regular expressions -- I shit you not. > > Dovecote needs regular expression capability to be shoe-horned in by > some hokey plugin. Regular expressions are quite fundamental to a > mail filtering language that has an appropriate amount of expressive > power. It's bizarre that sieve is presented as a thought out > successor to procmail complete with an RFC, and yet it excludes > something as essential as regular expressions. > > I'm resisting sieve because the C-style makes the code look cluttered, > and it lacks expressive power. The one aspect that may compel a > switch to sieve is the fact that it is MIME-aware. MIME predates > procmail, and it's a shame that procmail has become unmaintained. > > OTOH, I might rather have third party tools for MIME than third party > tools for regular expressions.
For what it's worth, I have used both of the above and now I only use procmail. Some experienced folk like Cameron have made very good points about its problems, but for me, it does the job nicely. I've been using it for about 3 years, maybe more and i still am learning about its complexities but it's a good tool in my opinion. I once had a set up that used procmail recipies in conjunction with dovecot deliver and that worked great for me. But I work from home all the time now so have no need for dovecot or any other IMAP server, not yet anyway.