
This is how I did it:

set sendmail = "/home/eric/bin/"

$ cat /home/eric/bin/

cat /dev/stdin| tee >(SUBJECT=`formail -z -x Subject`;echo 
"^Subject:.*$SUBJECT">>/home/eric/serialised_subjects;echo perl -ni -e \"print 
if not /$SUBJECT/   \" /home/eric/serialised_subjects|at now +50 days | 
/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oem -oi -f

It passes my tests. Now I just need conditional define and undefine of the 
sendmail var.

This is nice to use to white list mail in spam filtering. You might want to set
a condition to only run the script when Subject: is longer than n chars.


Jeremy Kitchen wrote on Thu-08-Nov 12  7:55PM
> On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 10:15:45AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
> > Thanks Jeremy
> > 
> > Task is to create a serialised list of Subject lines for mails posted to
> > lists. 
> > 
> > Why? So that procmail can filter any incoming list mail by using
> > `egrep -f' on this serialised Subject list and these (presumed)
> > replies to my posting may then be dropped in my main inbox.
> > 
> > I only want to extract the Subject lines mails to lists,
> > so I will have send-hook rules for mail to these known lists.
> > I would need to define this macro only for mails to these lists
> > (and then define "y" back to send-message).
> > 
> > (The script to which the headers are piped will also schedule an
> > at job to strip the Subject line from the file in n days).
> > 
> > I do something like this with postfix alwaysbcc and procmail,
> > but would prefer something more specific and efficient. Best
> > place to do it is at the time of send-message when the Subject
> > line is definitive.
> are you using SMTP or sendmail to inject your mail? You could configure
> mutt to use a different sendmail which is your custom processor which
> also injects the message into the queue (probably by calling sendmail
> directly)
> If you're using SMTP, you could switch to using sendmail with the above
> mentioned wrapper and configure an external smtp client like ssmtp or
> such.
> I may be missing something, but I poked through the docs and I'm just
> not seeing really any other way to do it.
> If you find a solution, though, please let us know, I for one am
> interested in your idea :)
> -Jeremy

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