Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > And stranger still is that the copy of the message that I receive from
> > the mailing list ALWAYS VERIFIES CORRECTLY on my end.
> Perhaps there is some option or version difference with gpg.  Maybe
> something in your settings is automatically trimming trailing whitespace
> when verifying signatures.  Are you using gpgv1 or v2?  What is your
> pgp_verify_command set to?

Replying to myself again.  You appear to be using gpg v1.4.5.  Version
1.4.8 introduced many changes to default functionality (with the release
of RFC-4880).  I think that is the reason some people are verifying your
signatures and others are not.

If I add the flag '--rfc2440' gpg reverts to the old behaviour and
successfully validates the signatures to your emails with trailing


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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