/ Russell L. Harris wrote on Fri  2.Nov'12 at  9:21:20 +0000 /

> Has anyone devised a spam filtering into which an address and subject
> line could be entered simply by pressing a key while viewing the mutt
> index?
> That way, whenever I go down the index pressing the "d" key to
> mark spam items to be deleted, perhaps by pressing some other key I
> could mark spam items to be both deleted and added to a spam filter,
> so that neither the same sender nor the same subject line ever again
> would clutter my screen.

I have set up macros that bind keys to pass messages to spamassassin using 
sa-learn and then puts the message into the spam mailbox. Is this the type 
thing you mean? The spam mailbox can later be used to train spamassassin for 
future filtering, using procmail. 

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