On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 02:16:29PM +0200, Paolo Pisati wrote:
> Hi guys,
> is there a way to make mutt autocompletition feature to work with abook?
> So far i got it only working with mutt's internal aliases system, and all the 
> config snippets i found around like this one, don't help:
> set query_command= "abook --mutt-query '%s'"

by default the $query_command completion command is ctrl-t, and you can
use that in the prompt for to/cc/bcc/etc.

> macro index,pager A "abook --add-email" "add the sender address to abook"

does that actually work? I don't think so. I think mutt would tell you
"abook: unknown command"

> macro generic,index,pager \ca "abook" "launch abook"

I don't think this will work either.

> and what's the point in having two "addressbook"s?

I like having my commonly used addresses be quickly accessible through
aliases and have actual *tab* completion. There are about 20 addresses
in my alias list.

I then use my full address book for other information about people,
addresses, phone numbers, etc.

Also, mutt's alias lookup is very fast, whereas query_command can be
much more expensive (read: slow) depending on what the query_command is
actually doing.


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