On 2012-10-15 10:40:36 -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Leonardo M. Ramé <l.r...@griensu.com> [10-15-12 10:16]:
> > I'm using mutt+abook and would like to know how can I create a group of
> > emails (mailing list).
> > 
> > In plain mutt, I can create a mailing list by just adding an alias with
> > a comma separated list of email. Does anyone know how can I achieve the
> > same using Abook?.
> > 
> > P.S.: I know this is not an Abook mailing list, but since here are many
> > Abook users I believe the answer will be faster here than in their
> > mailing list (with only a few emails a month).
> I don't understand *why* you would want to, just added complexity.  But...
> abook interfaces with mutt via lbdb:
>   /usr/lib64/lbdb/mutt_ldap_query 
>   /usr/lib64/lbdb/m_muttalias
>   /usr/lib64/lbdb/m_abook
> .muttrc:
>   set query_command="lbdbq '%s'"  # calling lbdbq    
>   macro alias Q "!lbdbq ."        "lbdb query"
> I would guess you need to *only* use abook for your "list" or craft a
> *different* abook db, other than ~/.abook, for your "list" and alter
> /usr/lib64/lbdb/m_abook (change ABOOK=/usr/bin/abook to <your-choice>) and
> save to a different file-name, then ....
> too much work for *what* gain...
> alias my_list alias1 alias2 alias3 alias4 ... ...
> much simpler.

Thanks Patrick, it looks very complicated, since I only need to add an
entry to my Abook, called for example "mylist" with more than one email. 

Anyway, I'll go for the alias method.

Leonardo M. Ramé

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