Dear Jostein,

El dilluns, 26 de març del 2012 a les 17:06, Jostein Gogstad va escriure:

> Jostein Gogstad wrote, on Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 04:46:22PM +0100:
> > send-hook . 'my_hdr From: Incorrect from <>'
> > reply-hook . 'my_hdr From: Correct from <>'
> > 
> > The send hook always kicks in whenever I reply to a mail. If I drop the
> > send-hook, everything works fine.
> So, I figured from [1] that send-hooks are in fact applied after reply-hooks.
> This wasn't really clear in the mutt documentation. Is there any way I can
> contribute to that?
> My problem still persist though. If anyone have a solution to the following
> scenario I'd be overwhelmed:
> 1) Fetchmail gathers mail from gmail and corporate mail and puts in 
> $spoolfile.
> 2) I want to use my corporate e-mail address whenever I reply to mail sent to
>, and whenever I send mail to
> 3) I want to my gmail address whenever the situation in 2) is not the case.
> [1]

I have the same issue. This is how I have solved:

# Profiles depending on message you are replying to
## sent to gmail
reply-hook '~C me@gmail\.com'           'source ~/.mutt/profiles/gmail'
## sent to uab
reply-hook '~C me@mycompany\.com'       'source ~/.mutt/profiles/uab'

# profiles depending on destination
send-hook .*mycompany\.(com|org)        "source ~/.mutt/profiles/uab"

In case you have already solved it, I would be pleased to know how you
did it.


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