I try to set a fcc-save-hook to save all messages that math to:

Cotacao or cotacao or Cotação or cotação or Cotaçao or Cotacão ... or
Quotacao or quotacao or Quotação ...

in any message fields (subject, body, to, cc, Ccc) to

I created the folders ~/Mail/Cotacao/Inbox

I set this on my ~/.mutt/muttrc

# boxes
mailboxes +--Gmail---- "+GMail/Inbox" "+GMail/Enviados" \
"+GMail/Rascunhos" "+GMail/Lixeira"  "+GMail/Importante"

mailboxes +--Yahoo---- "+Yahoo/Inbox" "+Yahoo/Enviados" \
"+Yahoo/Rascunhos" "+Yahoo/Lixeira"

mailboxes +--UFVJM---- "+UFVJM/INBOX" "+UFVJM/Sent" "+UFVJM/Drafts" \
"+UFVJM/Spam" "+UFVJM/Trash"

mailboxes +--Cotação-- "+Cotação/Inbox"

fcc-save-hook '~B [Cc]ota[çc][aã]o | ~B [Qq]uota[çc][aã]o' \

#fcc-save-hook '~b Cotacao ~b Quotacao' +Cotacao/Inbox

However, mutt complains about B and b. It is not possible?

In the manual we have:

fcc-save-hook [!]pattern mailbox

This command is a shortcut, equivalent to doing both a fcc-hook and a
save-hook with its arguments.

Thank you

Brasil (Brazil, for English Speakers)
Linux user number 487797

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