There is more work to be done but I have mutt looking pretty similar to the
default slrn colors now after help from various people (thank you) and some
experimenting. What I haven't been able to accomplish is to color various
parts of headers (within the header itself, not between one header and
another) like slrn does and this may not be possible.

In case anyone can use it, here it is

# Colorize as much as possible like slrn defaults

color hdrdefault brightcyan black
color quoted red black
color signature red black
color attachment red black
color message brightred black
color error brightred black
color indicator brightyellow blue
color status brightyellow blue
color tree white black
color normal white black
color markers red black
color search white black
color tilde brightmagenta black
color index blue black ~F
color index brightwhite black "~N|~O"

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