On 21Jun2012 13:24, John Magolske <listm...@b79.net> wrote:
| Ok, I gave this a try...checking to make sure my modified terminfo
| is being read:
|     % TERM=$TERM-mutt
|     % echo $TERM
|     screen.linux-mutt
|     % infocmp $TERM | grep kMSG
|             il=\E[%p1%dL, il1=\E[L, ind=^J, is2=\E)0, kMSG=\EOC\EOC,
| Then launched mutt with `TERM=$TERM-mutt mutt` ...but it didn't work.
| I saw the same behavior as before -- holding down <right> in the pager
| zips through a rapid succession of messages.

I intend a longer response soon but lack the time now. Particular to the
above, that sequence ends up with running mutt with TERM=$TERM-mutt-mutt
assuming it is exactly as written. Maybe:

  TERM=$muttTERM mutt

Did you check the value of $TERM within mutt? For example by opening a
subshell and echoing it and your infocmp command?

Also, I don't know how sophisticated the curses "recognise long
key sequences" code is; my here suggestion may be fatally flawed anyway.
Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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