I'm having an issue connecting to one of my IMAP accounts via mutt. The only error received is "SSL Failed: I/O error"

I am able to connect to other IMAP servers with the same settings but not this one. I am never prompted for a user name or password, just receive the SSL error.

I have also tried to verify the settings with the following command and get a successful connection:

openssl s_client -host imap.us.army.mil -port 993 -verify -debug -no_ssl2 -no_tls1_2 -no_tls1_1 -no_tls1

I tried unsetting all of the ssl options except for sslv3 in mutt with no success.

I've been troubleshooting by running Mutt with the following options:

mutt -n -F ~/.mutt/temp-muttrc

contents of temp-muttrc:

set from="[my email address]"
set realname="[my name]"

set spoolfile="imaps://imap.us.army.mil:993"
set folder="imaps://imap.us.army.mil:993/"

set certificate_file="~/.mutt/certificates"


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