On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 08:51:56PM -0500, Tim Gray spake thusly:
> I don't have exactly the same setup, but I do select a 'profile'
> depending on what folder I'm in.  I set up each profile in it's own
> file, like so:

I'll have to go this route then. As you suggested, I think I am getting stuck
with the leftovers of a previous profile which creates a stateful mess. I'll
organize my profiles in separate files and source them like you have and make a
wildcard profile etc. Hopefully that will fix it. I've been manually editing my
From: address nearly every time I send an email for a few years now!

> The key for me was to have this at the *top* of the other hooks:
>     folder-hook .* "source ~/.mutt/profiles/default_profile"

It took me a while to figure out that order matters.

> really only dealing with two or three profiles.  If you are using a
> lot, you might want to have different muttrc's and just run separate
> instances of mutt.  Maybe in screen.

Separate instances of mutt are a possibility (and I did it that way years ago
when I had only home and work emails) 

> As to the other filtering question, imapfilter might be helpful:
> https://github.com/lefcha/imapfilter

This is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks!

> Personally, I find it easier to forward *all* my email to one
> account and sync that with offlineimap or getmail.

I can't forward all email to one account but pulling it all down to one
location with offlineimap is a possibility. I'm just concerned about not being
able to access my mail with my iphone if I pull it all down and delete it from
the server.

Tracy Reed

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