* Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> [111106 11:31]: > > | > I'm hoping xv worked? > | It loads, but does not load the file. I just get the splash screen > > That's no good. While "xv" is open, what does "ps" show its command line > to be? It should be running "xv the-file", presuming you have "xv %s" in > the mailcap. > > | > | remap: /Users/tim/rc/remap: No such file or directory > | > | Save [/Users/tim/dl/muttAUDN80.]? > | > | Also, would like to eliminate prompt to save file. Do you mind > | resending me the URL for your documentation. I lost it. Sorry! > > http://www.cskk.ezoshosting.com/cs/css/manuals/apphelper.1.html > > Sounds like you want the -N, -Y or -A options. > > Half the point of apphelper is to view-and-offer-to-save. Otherwise you > may as well just run the viewer directly. (Unless you want to always > save the file I guess.) Duh. I was missing the '%s' following xv. Since I would prefer just to save the attachment directly from mutt, I changed the rules to bypass ah. Right now I have the relevant rules: (possible line wrapping...)
text/html; withstdin --keepfor=60 --ext=.html open -a /usr/local/bin/chrome <%s image/jpg; xv %s; gui image/jpeg; xv %s; gui image/gif; xv %s; gui What I have tried worked more or less like in linux. But, with your reference to apphelper being a 'gateway drug', I would be happy to experiment further with it to see what other uses it has. thanks again. -- Tim tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com http://www.akwebsoft.com